YoungAndWiser Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit, formed in 2011 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Our
organization provides life education to teens and young adults. Everything we
do is based on our own model called the Asynchronous Development Assessment
Profile for Teens and Above (A.D.A.P.T.A.). This profile is available to young
people so they can consider their individual development in eight different
categories compared to peers and their own aspirations.
It is well established that youth engage in “social
comparison” - in other words, they compare themselves to others to determine
what is normal or desirable. Hence, the level of asynchrony (unevenness) in one
or more areas that they perceive will determine the amount of pressure they
feel. They may feel ahead or behind in their development. If they feel too far behind,
they will tend to try to catch up (take short cuts), give up (if
the gap seems too great), or step up (find a planned way to grow). If they
feel too far ahead, they may isolate themselves or sabotage their progress to
fit in. It is better if they take deliberate steps to address the imbalances they
may feel.
Please keep in mind a few basic principles that guide our
work at YoungAndWiser, Inc.
1. We respect the
intelligence and dignity of youth.
2. We trust in their
ability to solve problems once they understand them
3. We do not preach or
use scare tactics to persuade them to be “good.”
4. We tell the truth and
allow them to make their own choices.
5. All
people must be aware of their own developmental issues to have a sensible plan
for growth.
MISSION STATEMENT - YoungAndWiser, Inc. envisions a world in which
empowered young adults and adolescents are able to make positive and healthy
lifestyle choices with increased awareness and understanding of the
developmental challenges they face physically, socially, and emotionally.
Mission - To provide developmental education programs and
services and collaborate with educational and other institutions serving
adolescents and young adults.